
Swrpg Dice Bot
swrpg dice bot

CREDIT: Vampwood for conceiving the client, and SkyJedi for substantial contributions to the project.Physics-based dice roller for each of FFGs Star Wars game lines. Within the server, a large and growing community organizes games over Tabletop Simulator. Hi all I wanted to provide a prominent link on this forum to our large, public SWRPG Discord server: For those that do not know, Discord is a centralized, online chat and voice platform. Star Wars RPG Public Discord Server.

Fully supports Oggdude’s SWRPG Character Generator, one of the primary char-gen tools for the system. Create character sheets online and run the games either through the excellent user interface or from discord using their dice bot. Fully supports Oggdudes SWRPG Character Generator, one of the primary char-gen tools for the system Genesys Dice includes: A comprehensive physics-based dice roller that can be used to roll custom Genesys RPG dice or standard polyhedral dice for any game.A Discord Bot Companion for the Star Wars : Edge of the Empire (SW:EotE), Age of Rebellion (AoR) and Force and Destiny (FnD) RPGs as well as Genesys, and Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) RPGs UsageCharacter Sheets SWRPG) Community.

swrpg dice bot

!destiny l/light : uses light side point !destiny roll : rolls one Force Die and adds it to current destiny pool !destiny sets and manages the Destiny Balance for the group !Poly rolls any combination of polyhedral dice with modifier !roll 3pro 2a 2boo 2dif 2sb "Delusions of Grandeur"

!char setup characterName maxWound maxStrain credits : Setup a new character !shipcrit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the ship critical hit. !crit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the critical hit.

!char Modify CharacterName +X/-X MaxStrain/MaxWounds : increases/decreases selected stat for characterName by x !char credits/c characterName +X/-X : increases/decreases credit balance for characterName by X !char strain/s characterName +X/-X : increases/decreases Strain for characterName by X

!char remove characterName : removes characterName !char status characterName : current status for characterName !char inventory/i CharacterName +X/-X itemName : adds/removes inventory items for characterName !char duty/d CharacterName +X/-X dutyName : adds/removes duty for characterName !char obligation/o CharacterName +X/-X obligationName : adds/removes obligations for characterName

!init set : manually set initiative order before any turns occur !init previous : moves to previous initiative slot !init next : moves to next initiative slot

!reroll add DiceIdentifiers : roll additional dice and adds them to the pool !reroll same : rolls the same pool again !obligation : gathers all the obligations entered with !char and rolls to trigger !species/!gleepglop : picks a random species !init remove x : remove a slot where is is the position !init reset : resets the initiative order

!roll rolls any combination of SWRPG dice and returns the canceled results !help Type ' !help topic for further information' !reroll fortune swap DiceColor/DicePosition AdjacentFace (From !reroll fortune show Command): swaps the current face for an adjacent oneIe !reroll fortune swap 2Y 3: swaps the current die face on the 2nd yellow with option 3 of the adjacent sides !reroll fortune show DiceColor/DicePosition : shows adjacent sides for the specified dieIe !reroll fortune show Y1 P2 (shows the adjacent side for the 1st yellow and 2 purple dicefaces) !reroll select DiceColor/DicePosition : rerolls specified diceIe !reroll select Y3 P1 : rerolls only the 3rd yellow die and the 1st purple die in the current dice pool

!poly : rolls any combination of polyhedral dice !roll : rolls any combination of L5R dice !shipcrit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the ship critical hit !crit rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the critical hit

!invite : get an invite link for !stats : Displays # of servers/users bot is currently has. NOTE: User needs to have a higher role than the bot. !prefix : changes the activation prefix for the bot. !reroll : ie !reroll 12 - rerolls the first and second dice without modifying the rest of the dicepool !add : ie !add ww - adds specified dice to previous dicepool.

swrpg dice bot